• Wood in Streams

    Downed trees, logjams and even beaver dams in streams are one way that nature helps provide good habitat for fish. Large wood helps create what biologists call habitat complexity.

    A complex stream habitat includes several environments – fallen trees, large boulders, gravel, and vegetation -- often complemented by ground water springs. These help create pools, floodplains and shade, cooling water temperatures and offering young fish places to hide from predators as they grow or rest on their way to the ocean.

    Years of human development, though, has left many streambeds in the Columbia River Basin scoured. This is why many projects to improve habitat for fish add wood to streams.

     natural logjam in the Chiwawa River
    A natural logjam in the Chiwawa River near the project shows how nature provides complex habitats for fish.

    downed trees and logjams
    Tribes and local governments worked together to add these downed trees and logjams to Nason Creek and the Wenatchee River in the Wenatchee Subbasin.

    downed trees near creek

  • Project at a Glance

    Location: Near Leavenworth, Washington in the Wenatchee Subbasin

    Biological objectives: Recover aquatic and riparian habitats and reduce water temperatures in order to maximize productivity of listed and non-listed fish.

    ESA-listed upper-Columbia spring chinook salmon, coho, and lamprey

    Yakama Nation, Chelan County Natural Resource Department, Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board, Bureau of Reclamation, Bonneville Power Administration

    Upper Columbia River Salmon Recovery Plan, FCRPS BiOp RPA 35, Yakama Nation Fish Accord