• Habitat restoration creates jobs, benefits local economies


     Infographic 670


    These estimates are based on a 2010 study by the University of Oregon.  A study by the University of Montana had similar conclusions.

     Economic Effects per $1 Million Invested in Forest and Watershed Projects

    (University of Oregon, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, Ecosystem Workforce Program Briefing Paper Number 23, Spring 2010) 

    Project Types



    Economic Output

    (multiplier effect)


    Enhancing stream habitat and function




    Enhancing and restoring native riparian vegetation




    Restoring wetland and estuarine habitat



    Fish Passage

    Removing barriers to fish passage (culverts and dams), screening to protect fish from water withdrawals




    Managing agricultural water, juniper, and noxious weeds




    Undertaking multiple activities in one comprehensive restoration project



    All (aggregate)





    Partners help increase the benefits.

    The federal agencies contract with states, tribes, local watershed groups and conservation agencies, land trusts and other entities to manage the habitat restoration. In turn, those agencies contract with local businesses and suppliers to carry out the work.              


    Often,these partners bring their own dollars to the table. This cost-sharing further increases the economic benefits and helps the federal investment go much further.






  • NOAA habitat restoration

    A study by NOAA Fisheries and the Portland-based firm Ecotrust found that habitat restoration projects generated as much as $977.5 million in economic activity and as many as 6,483 jobs in Oregon between 2001 and 2010. See ​study findings here.


    Explore NOAA Fisheries' web pages to compare jobs created by habitat restoration to jobs created in other industries. Find out about the different types of habitat restoration and how habitat restoration protects environment and economies.


    NOAA Habitat Conservation site


    Photos of NOAA restoration projects in Oregon and Washington


    Read the University of Oregon study on the economic benefits of habitat restoration

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