• Atlas helping fish managers and land owners select the best projects for fish
  • Adding wood to streams creates habitat for fish
  • In Idaho's Pole Creek, partners find many ways to add water to stream
  • Restoring habitat for fish

    Throughout the Columbia River Basin, human use has altered tributary and estuary habitat that native fish use for spawning and rearing. Working with tribes, state, and local partners, the Columbia Basin Federal Caucus agencies are protecting and restoring hundreds of miles of this stream and riparian habitat.


    Local biologists and recovery planners help identify the fish populations with the greatest biological need and the key factors that are limiting their survival. They also help to identify and prioritize actions that offer the most biological benefit.  


    Each agency focuses on projects appropriate to its mission.  Our restoration projects include increasing the volume of water in streams, installing screens at water diversions to keep fish out of irrigation canals, removing barriers to fish passage and acquiring easements to protect riparian areas along tributary streams.