• NOAA Fisheries 2014 FCRPS BiOp

    Jan. 17, 2014: NOAA Fisheries 2014 supplemental biological opinion confirmed that improvements at federal dams on the Columbia and Snake rivers, rehabilitation of habitat, and other actions are benefiting federally protected salmon and steelhead as much as or more than anticipated five years ago.

    The 2014 supplemental BiOp analyzed research and monitoring results from the first five years of work under the original FCRPS biological opinions. It reaffirms the effectiveness of NOAA’s 2008/2010 BiOp for salmon and steelhead affected by the operation of the FCRPS.

    A Court Remand Order in 2011 required more specific identification of habitat actions for the 2014-2018 period and a reexamination of the 2008/2010 BiOps. The 2014 BiOp addresses the remand order by:

    • identifying specific tributary and habitat actions through 2018
    • verifying that the effects of the actions will be as beneficial, or more beneficial, than anticipated in the 2008 FCRPS BiOp

    The new BiOp also:

    • determines that the Action Agencies used the best science available for determining the efficacy of their habitat actions
    • finds that the adaptive management components of the RPA have performed as expected
    • concludes that the 2008 FCRPS BiOp analysis and conclusions, as supplemented in 2010, remain valid
    • concludes that the RPA, as amended, is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the listed species or destroy or adversely modify designated critical habitat.
